Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts(Default Keyboard Shortcuts) You Need To Know

Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts

People are looking for shortcuts to do editing on Lightroom that saves their time. I also prefer shortcuts to get the settings, and editing tools and apply them to my content to create flow in my work. Here are some essential Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts that you need to know before changing your simple pictures or videos into stunning ones.

These Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts are equally important for both Windows and Mac users and I guarantee that you will fall in love with these shortcuts and can easily do batch edits in Lightroom. I have a huge list of these shortcuts for every step that you perform while editing. Let’s have a look at the huge list of Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts.

These are 10 keyboard Adobe Lightroom shortcuts that provide flow in your work. Ctrl word is for PC users while command is for Mac.

Keyboard shortcuts

1- Command/Ctrl + U=Auto Tone

This Lightroom MOD APK shortcut helps to balance the exposure that includes color(black and white), contrast, and shadows. Highlights etc. When you use these keys the slider’s tone will open and they will adjust to your pictures automatically. If you don’t like anything then you can undo it.

2- Command/Ctrl + Z=Undo

Everything is editable and you can make any changes at any time. Still, if you don’t like any changes then use this Adobe Lightroom shortcuts to undo anything without any effort.

3- G=Enter Grid View in Library Panel

G is used by the editor in the library panel to open the grid view. This is the most important shortcut in Lightroom and I enjoyed editing my picture because of the convenience that it provides. I easily navigate among the tools to bring up my editing skills with the help of these Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts.

4- Command/Ctrl + E = Edit a Copy in Adobe Lightroom

Users mostly think that if they are thinking of editing some photo then they need to go to the photo and leave the lightroom. That is not the case use this shortcut to smooth skin in Lightroom and you will start editing any photo that you want.

5- D = Enter the Develop Module

These Adobe Lightroom shortcuts are used to do editing in the Develop Module. All you need to do is press D and the Develop Module will be open just in front of you. Don’t waste any time and start editing any photo of your time. It is easy to directly enter this module without navigating through the options. 

6- Command + Shift + U = Auto White Balance

Command = Shift = U helps to adjust the white balance on images in Lightroom. You can undo these auto adjustments if you don’t like them by clicking on the undo button. I love to use these Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts.

7- Shift + Tab = Hide All Panels

If you want the larger size of your image then it can be done only when you will hide all panels. To get this press Shift + Tab and all panels will disappear. Now your image is showing on the full size of your screen. You can access all panels when you get the pointer of the mouse and hover it over the edges of the screen.

You can also zoom in and zoom out your image by just pressing the “ F Key”. But keep that in mind it doesn’t allow you to edit just make your image enlarge.

8- R = The Crop Tool

Usually, it takes some time to crop the image but if you press R then you will see magic. Your picture will automatically get cropped and you start editing it. Moreover, these Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts also help to change the angle of the image by rotation. You can deactivate this editing by simply again pressing R.

9- Q = Activate Spot Removal

If your pictures have spots or blemishes on them then you don’t need to go to the histogram tab to access its tool to remove them. Just press “Q” and everything will done automatically. It will provide a great tone to your picture. Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts help to make your image more clear.

10- V = Convert to Grayscale

People love black and white colors in their pictures. If you want to do this then press V which will auto-shift your picture to Grayscale. It saves you from complicated processes and gets the work done quickly. Press V again to turn it to the original one as it will undo it. 

YouTube video
Show/hide side panelsTabTab
Show/hide all panelsShift + TabShift + Tab
Show/hide toolbarTT
Show/hide Module PickerF5F5
Show/hide FilmstripF6F6
Show/hide left panelsF7F7
Show/hide right panelsF8F8
Toggle solo modeAlt-click a panelOption-click a panel
Open a new panel without closing soloed panelShift-click a panelShift-click a panel
Open/close all panelsCtrl-click a panelCommand-click a panel
Open/close left panels, top to bottomCtrl + Shift + 0 – 5Command + Control + 0 – 5
Open/close right panels, Library and Develop modules, top to bottomCtrl + 0 – 9Command + 0 – 9
Open/close right panels, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules, top to bottomCtrl + 1 – 7Command + 1 – 7
RedoCtrl + Shift + ZCommand + Shift + Z
Redo (Windows only)Ctrl + Yn/a
UndoCtrl + ZCommand + Z
Go to Library moduleCtrl + Alt + 1Command + Option + 1
Go to Develop moduleCtrl + Alt + 2Command + Option + 2
Go to Map moduleCtrl + Alt + 3Command + Option + 3
Go to Book moduleCtrl + Alt + 4Command + Option + 4
Go to Slideshow moduleCtrl + Alt + 5Command + Option + 5
Go to Print moduleCtrl + Alt + 6Command + Option + 6
Go to Web moduleCtrl + Alt + 7Command + Option + 7
Go back / go forwardCtrl + Alt + Left Arrow / Ctrl + Alt + RIght ArrowCommand + Option + Left Arrow / Command + Option + Right Arrow
Go back to previous moduleCtrl + Alt + Up ArrowCommand + Option + Up Arrow
Double page viewCtrl + RCommand + R
Multi-page viewCtrl + ECommand + E
Next view modeCtrl + =Command + =
Previous view modeCtrl + –Command + –
Single page viewCtrl + TCommand + T
Zoomed single-page viewCtrl + UCommand + U
Create Saved BookCtrl + SCommand + S
Update Metadata captionsCtrl + MCommand + M
Copy Book layoutCtrl + Shift + CCommand + Shift + C
Paste LayoutCtrl + Shift + VCommand + Shift + V
Remove PageCtrl + Shift + BackspaceCommand + Shift + Backspace
Select photo cellsCtrl + Shift + Alt + ACommand + Shift + Option + A
Select text cellsCtrl + Alt + ACommand + Option + A
Show / Hide Filter TextCtrl + Shift + HCommand + Shift + H
Show / Hide text safe areaCtrl + Shift + UCommand + Shift + U
Enter Library Loupe viewEE
Enter Library Grid viewGG
Enter Library Compare viewCC
Enter Library Survey viewNN
Open selected photo in the Develop moduleDD
Cycle forward / backward through Lights Out modesL / Shift + LL / Shift + L
Toggle Lights Dim modeCtrl + Shift + LCommand + Shift + L
Cycle screen modesFF
Previous screen modemacOS onlyShift + F
Switch between Normal and full-screen, hide panelsCtrl + Shift + FCommand + Shift + F
Go to Normal screen modeCtrl + Alt + FCommand + Option + F
Cycle info overlayII
Show/hide info overlayCtrl + ICommand + I
Open Reference viewShift + RShift + R
Enable loupe overlay in the LibraryCtrl + Alt + OCommand + Option + O
Enable and choose loupe overlay in the LibraryCtrl + Shift + Alt + OCommand + Shift + Option + O
Show Grid view stylesCtrl + Shift + XCommand + Shift + X
Zoom to 100Ctrl + Alt + 0Command + Option + 0
Open People View in the Library moduleOO
Open secondary windowF11Command + F11
Enter Grid viewShift + GShift + G
Enter normal Loupe viewShift + EShift + E
Enter locked Loupe viewCtrl + Shift + EnterCommand + Shift + Return
Enter Compare viewShift + CShift + C
Enter Survey viewShift + NShift + N
Enter Slideshow viewCtrl + Alt + Shift + EnterCommand + Option + Shift + Return
Enter full-screen mode (requires a second monitor)Shift + F11Command + Shift + F11
Show/hide Filter barShift + \Shift + \
Zoom in / zoom outCtrl + Shift + = / Ctrl + Shift –Command + Shift + = / Command + Shift + –
Import photos from diskCtrl + Shift + ICommand + Shift + I
Open catalogCtrl + OCommand +Shift + O
Open PreferencesCtrl + , (comma)Command + , (comma)
Open Catalog SettingsCtrl + Alt + , (comma)Command + Option + , (comma)
Create new subfolder (segmented tethered capture)Ctrl + Shift + TCommand +Shift + T
Hide/show tether capture barCtrl + TCommand + T
Create a new folder in the Library moduleCtrl + Shift + NCommand + Shift + N
Create virtual copy (Library and Develop module only)Ctrl +  ‘ (apostrophe)Command +  ‘ (apostrophe)
Show in Explorer/Finder (Library and Develop module only)Ctrl + RCommand + R
Go to next/previous photo in the FilmstripRight Arrow/Left ArrowRight Arrow/Left Arrow
Select multiple folders or collections (in Library, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules)Shift-click or Ctrl-clickShift-click or Command-click
Rename photo (in Library module)F2F2
Delete selected photo(s)Backspace or DeleteDelete
Remove selected photo(s) from catalogAlt + BackspaceOption + Delete
Delete selected photo(s) and move to Recycling Bin (Windows) or Trash (macOS)Ctrl + Alt + Shift + BackspaceCommand + Option + Shift + Delete
Delete rejected photo(s)Ctrl + BackspaceCommand + Delete
Edit in PhotoshopCtrl + ECommand + E
Open in other editorCtrl + Alt + ECommand + Option + E
Export selected photo(s)Ctrl + Shift + ECommand + Shift + E
Export with previous settingsCtrl + Alt + Shift + ECommand + Option + Shift + E
Open plug-in managerCtrl + Alt + Shift + , (comma)Command + Option + Shift + , (comma)
Print selected photoCtrl + PCommand + P
Open Page Setup dialog boxCtrl + Shift + PCommand + Shift + P
Go to the next imageCtrl + RightCommand + Right
Go to the previous imageCtrl + LeftCommand + Left
Tethered captureF12F12
Headless enhanceCtrl + Alt + Shift + IControl + Alt + Shift + I
Open enhance dialog boxCtrl + Alt + IControl + Alt + I
HDR mergeCtrl + HControl + H
Headless HDR mergeCtrl + Shift + HControl + Shift + H
Pano mergeCtrl + MControl + M
Headless pano mergeCtrl + Shift + MControl + Shift + M
Open as Smart Object in PhotoshopCtrl  + Alt + XCommand + Option + X
Stack visually similar photosCtrl + Alt + Shift + SCommand + Option + Shift + S
E-mail photosn/aCommand + Shift + M
Switch to Loupe viewE or EnterE or Return
Switch to Grid viewG or EscG or Esc
Switch to Compare viewCC
Switch to Survey viewNN
Switch from Grid to Loupe viewSpacebar or ESpacebar or E
Swap select and candidate photos in Compare viewDown ArrowDown Arrow
Make next photos select and candidate in Compare viewUp ArrowUp Arrow
Toggle Zoom viewZZ
Zoom in / zoom out in Loupe viewCtrl + = / Ctrl + –Command + = / Command + –
Scroll up/down zoomed photo in Loupe view (also works in Develop and Web modules)Page Up / Page Down on full-size keyboardPage Up / Page Down on full-size keyboard
Go to beginning/end of Grid viewHome / EndHome / End
Play impromptu slide showCtrl + EnterCommand + Return
Rotate photo right (clockwise)Ctrl + ]Command + ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)Ctrl + [Command + [
Increase/decrease Grid thumbnail size= / –= / –
Scroll up/down Grid thumbnailsPage Up / Page Down on full-size keyboardPage Up / Page Down on full-size keyboard
Toggle cell extrasCtrl + Shift + HCommand + Shift + H
Show/hide badgesCtrl + Alt + Shift + HCommand + Option + Shift + H
Cycle Grid viewsJJ
Open Library view optionsCtrl + JCommand + J
Select multiple discrete photosCtrl-clickCommand-click
Select multiple contiguous photosShift-clickShift-click
Select all photosCtrl + ACommand + A
Deselect all photosCtrl + DCommand + D or Command + Shift + A
Select only active photoCtrl + Shift + DCommand + Shift + D
Deselect active photo//
Add previous/next photo to selectionShift + Left/Right ArrowShift + Left/Right Arrow
Select flagged photosCtrl + Alt + ACommand + Option + A
Deselect unflagged photosCtrl + Alt + Shift + DCommand + Option + Shift + D
Group into stackCtrl + GCommand + G
UnstackCtrl + Shift + GCommand + Shift + G
Toggle stackSS
Move to top of stackShift + SShift + S
Move up in stackShift + [Shift + [
Move down in stackShift + ]Shift + ]
Set star rating1 – 51 – 5
Set star rating and go to next photoShift + 1 – 5Shift + 1 – 5
Remove star rating00
Remove star rating and go to next photoShift + 0Shift + 0
Increase/decrease rating by one star] / [] / [
Assign a red label66
Assign a yellow label77
Assign a green label88
Assign a blue label99
Assign a color label and go to next photoShift + 6 – 9Shift + 6 – 9
Flag photo as a pickPP
Flag photo as a pick and go to next photoShift + PShift + P
Flag photo as a rejectXX
Flag photo as a reject and go to next photoShift + XShift + X
Unflag photoUU
Unflag photo and go to next photoShift + UShift + U
Increase/decrease flag statusCtrl + Up Arrow / Ctrl + Down ArrowCommand + Up Arrow / Command + Down Arrow
Cycle flag settings‘ (back quote)‘ (back quote)
Refine photosCtrl + Alt + RCommand + Option + R
Show/hide Library Filter bar\\
Open multiple filters in the Filter barShift-click filter labelsShift-click filter labels
Toggle filters on/offCtrl + LCommand + L
Find photo in the Library moduleCtrl + FCommand + F
Create a new collection in the Library moduleCtrl + NCommand + N
Add to Quick CollectionBB
Add to Quick Collection and go to next photoShift + BShift + B
Show Quick CollectionCtrl + BCommand + B
Save Quick CollectionCtrl + Alt + BCommand + Option + B
Clear Quick CollectionCtrl + Shift + BCommand + Shift + B
Set as target collectionCtrl + Alt + Shift + BCommand + Option + Shift + B
Add keywordsCtrl + KCommand + K
Edit keywordsCtrl + Shift + KCommand + Shift + K
Set a keyword shortcutCtrl + Alt + Shift + KCommand + Option + Shift + K
Add/remove keyword shortcut from selected photoShift + KShift + K
Enable paintingCtrl + Alt + KCommand + Option + K
Add a keyword from a keyword set to selected photoAlt + 1-9Option + 1-9
Cycle forward / backward through keyword setsAlt + 0 / Alt + Shift + 0Option + 0 / Option + Shift + 0
Copy/paste metadataCtrl + Alt + Shift + C / Ctrl + Alt + Shift + VCommand + Option + Shift + C / Command + Option + Shift + V
Save metadata to fileCtrl + SCommand + S
Open Spelling dialog boxmacOS onlyCommand + :
Check spellingmacOS onlyCommand + ;
Open Character palettemacOS onlyCommand + Option + T
Visual SearchCtrl + Alt + Shift + FCommand + Option + Shift + F
Edit Face nameShift + OShift + O
Convert to grayscaleVV
Auto toneCtrl + UCommand + U
Auto white balanceCtrl + Shift + UCommand + Shift + U
Edit in PhotoshopCtrl + ECommand + E
Copy/paste Develop settingsCtrl + Shift + C / Ctrl + Shift + VCommand + Shift + C / Command + Shift + V
Paste settings from previous photoCtrl + Alt + VCommand + Option + V
Copy After settings to BeforeCtrl + Alt + Shift + Left ArrowCommand + Option + Shift + Left Arrow
Copy Before settings to AfterCtrl + Alt + Shift + Right ArrowCommand + Option + Shift + Right Arrow
Swap Before and After settingsCtrl + Alt + Shift + Up ArrowCommand + Option + Shift + Up Arrow
Increase/decrease selected slider in small incrementsUp Arrow / Down Arrow or + / –Up Arrow / Down Arrow or + / –
Increase/decrease selected slider in larger incrementsShift + Up Arrow / Shift + Down Arrow or Shift + + / Shift + –Shift + Up Arrow / Shift + Down Arrow or Shift + + / Shift + –
Cycle through Basic panel settings (forward/backward). (period) / , (comma). (period) / , (comma)
Reset a sliderDouble-click slider nameDouble-click slider name
Reset a group of slidersAlt-click group nameOption-click group name
Reset all settingsCtrl + Shift + RCommand + Shift + R
Sync settingsCtrl + Shift + SCommand + Shift + S
Sync settings bypassing Synchronize Settings dialog boxCtrl + Alt + SCommand + Option + S
Toggle Auto SyncCtrl-click Sync buttonCommand-click Sync button
Enable Auto SyncCtrl + Alt + Shift + ACommand + Option + Shift + A
Match total exposuresCtrl + Alt + Shift + MCommand + Option + Shift + M
Select White Balance tool (from any module)WW
Select the Crop tool (from any module)RR
Constrain aspect ratio when Crop tool is selectedAA
Crop to same aspect ratio as previous cropShift + AShift + A
Crop from center of photoAlt-dragOption-drag
Cycle Crop grid overlayOO
Cycle Crop grid overlay orientationShift + OShift + O
Switch crop between portrait and landscape orientationXX
Reset cropCtrl + Alt + RCommand + Option + R
Select the Guided Upright tool (also works in the Library module when a photo is selected)Shift + TShift + T
Select the Spot Removal toolQQ
Toggle Brush between Clone and Heal modes when Spot Removal tool is selectedShift + TShift + T
Select the Adjustment Brush tool (from any module)KK
Select the Graduated Filter toolMM
Toggle Mask between Edit and Brush modes when the Graduated Filter or Radial Filter is selectedShift + TShift + T
Increase/decrease brush size] / [] / [
Increase/decrease brush featheringShift + ] / Shift + [Shift + ] / Shift + [
Switch between local adjustment brush A and B//
Temporarily switch from brush A or B to EraserAlt-dragOption-drag
Paint a horizontal or vertical lineShift-dragShift-drag
Increase/decrease AmountDrag adjustment pin right/leftDrag adjustment pin right/left
Show/hide local adjustment pinHH
Show/hide local adjustment mask overlayOO
Cycle local adjustment mask overlay colorsShift + OShift + O
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Tone Curve adjustmentCtrl + Alt + Shift + TCommand + Option + Shift + T
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Hue adjustmentCtrl + Alt + Shift + HCommand + Option + Shift + H
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Saturation adjustmentCtrl + Alt + Shift + SCommand + Option + Shift + S
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Luminance adjustmentCtrl + Alt + Shift + LCommand + Option + Shift + L
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Grayscale Mix adjustmentCtrl + Alt + Shift + GCommand + Option + Shift + G
Deselect Targeted Adjustment toolCtrl + Alt + Shift + NCommand + Option + Shift + N
Show clippingJJ
Rotate photo right (clockwise)Ctrl + ]Command + ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)Ctrl + [Command + [
Toggle between Loupe and 1:1 Zoom previewSpacebar or ZSpacebar or Z
Zoom in / zoom outCtrl + = / Ctrl + –Command + = / Command + –
Play impromptu slide showCtrl + EnterCommand + Return
View Before and After left/rightYY
View Before and After top/bottomAlt + YOption + Y
View Before and After in a split screenShift + YShift + Y
View Before only\\
Create a new snapshotCtrl + NCommand + N
Create a new presetCtrl + Shift + NCommand + Shift + N
Create a new preset folderCtrl + Alt + NCommand + Option + N
Open Develop view optionsCtrl + JCommand + J
Create a Radial filterShift + MShift + M
Create a Luminance filterShift + QShift + Q
Crop to original Ctrl + Alt + Shift + RCommand + Option + Shift + R
Create a color rangeShift + JShift + J
Cycle Overlay mode in Crop / MaskingAlt + OOption + O
Lock Zoom position in Develop or LibraryShift + Ctrl + =Shift + Command + =
Open / close Masking Shift + WShift + W
Hide / unhide Gamut destination warning in Soft ProofingShift + SShift + S
Expand / collapse soft proofingSS
Never show overlay / pins in DevelopHH
Always show overlay / pins in DevelopCtrl + Shift + HCommand + Shift + H
Cycle through transform optionsCtrl + TabControl + Tab
Copy a MaskCtrl + CCommand + C
Play slide showEnterReturn
Play impromptu slide showCtrl + EnterCommand + Return
Pause slide showSpacebarSpacebar
Preview slide showAlt + EnterOption + Return
End slide showEscEsc
Go to next slideRight ArrowRight Arrow
Go to previous slideLeft ArrowLeft Arrow
Rotate photo right (clockwise)Ctrl + ]Command + ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)Ctrl + [Command + [
Show/hide guidesCtrl + Shift + HCommand + Shift + H
Export PDF slide showCtrl + JCommand + J
Export JPEG slide showCtrl + Shift + JCommand + Shift + J
Export video slide showCtrl + Alt + JCommand + Option + J
Create a new slide show templateCtrl + NCommand + N
Create a new slide show template folderCtrl + Shift + NCommand + Shift + N
Save slide show settingsCtrl + SCommand + S
Play allCtrl + Alt + RightCommand + Option + Return
Previous menuCtrl + LeftCommand + Left
Next menuCtrl + RightCommand + Right
PrintCtrl + PCommand + P
Print one copyCtrl + Alt + PCommand + Option + P
Open Page Setup dialog boxCtrl + Shift + PCommand + Shift + P
Open Print Settings dialog boxCtrl + Alt + Shift + PCommand + Option + Shift + P
Go to first pageCtrl + Shift + Left ArrowCommand + Shift + Left Arrow
Go to last pageCtrl + Shift + Right ArrowCommand + Shift + Right Arrow
Go to previous pageCtrl + Left ArrowCommand + Left Arrow
Go to next pageCtrl + Right ArrowCommand + Right Arrow
Show/hide guidesCtrl + Shift + HCommand + Shift + H
Show/hide rulersCtrl + RCommand + R
Show/hide page bleedCtrl + Shift + JCommand + Shift + J
Show/hide margins and guttersCtrl + Shift + MCommand + Shift + M
Show/hide image cellsCtrl + Shift + KCommand + Shift + K
Show/hide dimensionsCtrl + Shift + UCommand + Shift + U
Play impromptu slide showCtrl + EnterCommand + Return
Rotate photo right (clockwise)Ctrl + ]Command + ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)Ctrl + [Command + [
Create a new print templateCtrl + NCommand + N
Create a new print template folderCtrl + Shift + NCommand + Shift + N
Save print settingsCtrl + SCommand + S
Show GuidesCtrl + Shift + GCommand + Shift + G
Next Track in TracklogCtrl + Alt + TCommand + Option + T
Previous Track in TracklogCtrl + Alt + Shift + TCommand + Option + Shift + T
SearchCtrl + FCommand + F
Delete All Location dataCtrl + BackspaceCommand + Delete
Change to Dark Map styleCtrl + 6Command + 6
Change to Hybrid Map styleCtrl + 1Command + 1
Change to Light Map styleCtrl + 5Command + 5
Lock Pins on MapCtrl + kCommand + k
Change to Road Map styleCtrl + 2Command + 2
Change to Satellite Map styleCtrl + 3Command + 3
Change to Terrain Map styleCtrl + 4Command + 4
Show / Hide map infoII
Show / Hide Location preset overlayOO
Reload web galleryCtrl + RCommand + R
Preview in browserCtrl + Alt + PCommand + Option + P
Play impromptu slide showCtrl + EnterCommand + Return
Export web galleryCtrl + JCommand + J
Create a new web gallery templateCtrl + NCommand + N
Create a new web gallery template folderCtrl + Shift + NCommand + Shift + N
Save web gallery settingsCtrl + SCommand + S
Open advance settings panelCtrl + Shift + Alt + /Command + Shift + Option + /
Display current module shortcutsCtrl + /Command + /
Hide current module shortcutsClickClick
Go to current module HelpCtrl + Alt + /Command + Option + Shift + /
Open Community HelpF1F1
Increase brush size[[
Decrease brush size]]
Increase brush feather Shift + [Shift + [
Decrease brush feather Shift + ]Shift + ]
Adjustment brushBB
Healing brushHH
Merge to HDRCommand + HCtrl + H
Merge to HRD (Headless)Shift + Command + HShift + Ctrl + H
Merge to Pano Command + MCtrl + M
Merge to Pano (Headless)Shift + Command + MShift + Ctrl + M
Set Star Rating1-5
Remove Star Rating0
Flag photo as PickP
Unflag photoU
Flag photo as RejectX
Cycle Flag settings` (back quote/grave accent)
Go to next/previous photoRight arrow/Left arrow
See Before/After preview\
Toggle InfoI
Open Adjustment Panel D
Undo EditCtrl + Z
Redo EditCtrl + Shift + Z
Copy EditsCtrl + C
Paste EditsCtrl + V
Play/Pause VideoSpacebar
Video Trim StartShift + I
Video Trim EndShift + O

I’m adding my final words to this most productive article on Adobe Lightroom shortcuts. Now, you have a huge list of shortcuts and all the related information that you need. Focus on your editing projects and create wonders in them. These unlimited Adobe Lightroom shortcuts will make a professional editor and this prefessionality will be shown in your edited content.

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